The Blessings Continue
We didn’t get the best of news at the doctor’s office last week. Nothing major, but enough negatives to realize we need to major on the blessings. Shoulder surgery recovery is tough, but when you throw in problems in the back, knee and sugar levels, it’s enough to get you down…if you let it.
As we drove back to Cochran we reminded ourselves of the many physical and spiritual blessings we both enjoy. On the physical side we’re still in our right minds, not confined to a nursing home or wheelchair; no cancer or other dreaded disease.
All our five senses are still working (although one missing hearing aid reduces that blessing a little) and our sense of humor is growing in our old age, rather than diminishing. Our conclusion? We’re in great shape for the condition we’re in.
Add to all those, the blessing of living in this great country! As we waited for the doctor I looked at the wall and read the following prayer:

Having traveled behind the Bamboo Curtain and met with the Underground Church, I realized what a great blessing this little plaque represented. We are blessed to live in this country where a doctor has the freedom to post a prayer like this on his office wall.
You won’t find a publicly displayed prayer such as this in North Korea, Saudi Arabia or Malaysia. If you even speak the name of Jesus in many countries you will be thrown in prison. When I was in China we had to substitute the word ‘brother’ for Jesus and ‘bread’ for Bible.
And here, in this wonderful country, we read the Bible publicly from the steps of our county courthouses, teach Bible studies in jails, detention centers and prisons and beam Christian programming 24/7. Are we blessed or what?
We carry our Bibles not only into church, but into every public establishment that we care to do so. We are not intimidated to tone down our message, shut down our churches or excuse our exuberance for God.
We’re free to post videos about the Lord Jesus Christ on Facebook and YouTube. Are we blessed or what?
The largest church in the world is in Seoul, South Korea. Yoido Full Gospel Church is a Pentecostal church on Yoi Island. In 2007 they numbered one million members (and they only count tithing members!). It is the largest Protestant Christian congregation in the world.

Just a few short miles to the north is a communist regime that is determined to destroy the freedom of religion the Yoido Full Gospel church enjoys. This week North Korea fired several missiles at her southern neighbor, with threats of more to come. Our government is trying to pressure China into putting the squeeze on North Korea. Once again we are on the brink of war and freedom is at stake.
Many of us still remember the Korean War. Charlie is a Korean veteran and the thought of history repeating itself in that region is not a pleasant thought for him.

We pray our president will have the courage to stand up against this ungodly regime and let them know that the American people value their freedom and freedom for our South Korean Allies.
America is bone-weary of war. This week we learned that we have been fighting in Afghanistan as many years as the Russians did. Our brave men and women have been fighting and being killed or wounded in Iraq since 2003. We’re tired, but determined to let freedom ring!
Patriots have lived and died so that Charlie’s doctor would have the freedom to hang a prayer in his office. Let us never take our freedoms for granted.
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