Thursday, December 2, 2010

May I have a word with you?

There were about 40 or more guys in attendance...they seemed so thankful to be in the Bible study on Thanksgiving they left, one of the detainees lingered behind...a black gentleman in his 50's. He waited patiently as man after man came up to shake my hand or share a comment or a burden...finally...

"I just wanted to share something with you," he began...

Realizing he had something important to say I invited him to sit down on the front row. With an empty chair between us he began his story...

"When I was on the street (meaning he had not yet been incarcerated) a lady came up to me and asked me to put my hand over my I did. She asked me what I saw and I told her nothing. 'That's right she said, You're walking in darkness because you're lost, but God is going to put you into a prison where you are going to learn how to see...where you're going to be saved.' I didn't want to hear that at all.

"Then a few days later another person...a man...came up to me and told me that God was sending me to prison and I would learn many things and be saved. I didn't want to hear that either. (this man was waiting for word of where he was going to be sent for some crime he had committed)

"It wasn't long before I got the news....I was informed I would be going to Cochran and Bleckley PDC. I had never heard of Bleckley County PDC. What a surprise when I got here three weeks ago. I found out it was a BIBLE COLLEGE and there were meetings about the Bible every night of the week.

"I just wanted you to know I've gotten saved and my life has totally changed and I am so inspired and challenged to live for God.

"I just thought you might like to know."

He then got up from the chair and in a very gentlemanly manner shook my hand and said thank you and turned to walk away...

Just as he did I noticed his name tag. I don't remember the last name but his first and middle name was JOHN WESLEY.

I said, "Your name is JOHN WESLEY."

He smiled. "Yes, I just learned about him. He was a man of God."

"And you are too!" I answered.


At December 3, 2010 at 6:37 AM , Blogger Karen said...

I LOVE when God does stuff like that!!

At December 2, 2015 at 6:53 PM , Blogger Starlene said...



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