"I've never had a present before...not for Christmas or my birthday...ever!"
These words were not spoken from a child in a Third World country receiving a gift from Operation ShoeBox, but from a young man today in a nearby correctional facility.
To backtrack just a bit...I had the honor and privilege of leading this young man to Christ only a few days ago. Knowing he didn't own a Bible, I felt strongly that I should get one to him...not a used one...but a brand new one, one he could feel was totally his.
As I wrote a few words of encouragement in the front of the Bible, I couldn't help but think of our conversation a few days prior.
"No one's ever loved me. Not in my whole life. I've always had to fend for myself." He sat there, thin and gaunt. The ravages of an incurable disease were taking their toll. By all natural means it didn't look good. A few days...maybe only a week and then he would pass into the next world...that is, without a miracle.
I shared the story of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke 16:19-31. I explained how we all are going somePLACE. We were sitting in an office...just a PLACE. When our conversation ended we would be going our separate ways...him to his PLACE and me to mine. Just a PLACE.
I told him about an old TV program...THE PRICE IS RIGHT. "Okay. Doors 1, 2 and 3 are before you. A Rolls Royce is behind one of these doors. (then a whisper in the ear from Bob Barker...take door #2...the car is there.)
Would the contestant not be stupid to pick one of the other doors when the BEST was behind door #2? I looked the young man square in the eye. "God says, I set before you LIFE and DEATH, BLESSING and cursing. Then he whispers...TAKE LIFE that you may live."
The dying young man got it! He made the right choice. LIFE!
Today as he looked at the present he said, "I don't know what to do?" Just rip off the paper I told him. He grinned from ear to ear.
His hand caressed the cover, "My own Bible." I fought back the tears.

Before we parted he told me he had been sharing about his decision to receive Christ as his Savior with others. "I wish I had known you were coming today," he said. "I would have brought the little book you gave me. I put the date in it. The day I asked Jesus in my heart."
He smiled again...a big smile...and promised to read his new Bible.
In the front of his Bible I wrote these words from Scripture, "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. In my Father's House are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a PLACE for you. And if I go and prepare a PLACE for you I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may also be." John 14:1-3
Which PLACE are you going to?
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