The Republican Presidential primary contest is heating up and so are the nasty swipes at each other, not only by the candidates themselves, but the demons in the closet are coming out also.
This week ABC aired an interview with Speaker Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife Marianne; she had quite the ax to grind with the former Speaker of the House. The Jan. 19 TV interview was her first since the pair divorced in 1999.

Apparently, the jilted Marianne had been planning for many years to stick the knife in her former husband’s gut. Previously she had warned; she was capable of ending Gingrich’s political aspirations for president with a single interview. We’ll see if her plan works.
Gingrich denies her charges that he wanted an ‘open marriage’ and claims he repented of his sin when he joined the Catholic Church. None of that mattered to Marianne. Obviously the only thing on her mind is REVENGE!
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” This famous quote comes from a play called “The Mourning Bride” (1697) by William Congreve. The complete quote is a bit longer, but you get the picture. Don’t mess around buddy or there will be a grievous price to pay!
Many of us remember the Betty Broderick episode. Betty was jilted by her husband Dan, for another woman. In 1989, after practicing with her firearm at a local shooting range, she entered their home and found them asleep in bed.

They awoke, apparently startled by the intrusion, and Betty shot them. Linda, the new wife, was shot in the head and chest. The dirty dog that jilted her, got his in the back. She remains incarcerated and unrepentant. Apparently she still feels that vengeance is sweet and worth the price.
In 1992 Meredith Baxter starred in the TV movie, A Woman Scorned. She masterfully played the part of Betty Broderick, leaving audiences with mixed emotions of satisfaction and frustration. Satisfied that Dan and Linda Broderick finally ‘got theirs’, but somehow frustrated because true justice was still not administered.

Building on man’s desire for vengeance and revenge, the Investigative Discovery Channel premiered a new series on Jan. 21 entitled SCORNED: LOVE KILLS.
The series “uncovers crimes of passion sparked by a spurned lover's snap from provocative paramour to predacious threat. …. The stories featured in SCORNED pair sexual intrigue with bedded betrayal to form a recipe for murder.”
In the Bible, God warns us about taking revenge in our own hands. Bitterness and unforgiveness will only lead to untold tragedy. In Romans 12:19 God says, “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. (NASB)
We often hear it said, “Hurt people; hurt people”. This is so true, but when one takes up the sword of the avenger, it can quite often lead to something as serious as the Betty Broderick debacle. Not only did two people die, but four children and God only knows how many grandchildren, were forever affected by Betty’s act of revenge.
Recently I talked with someone who was very hurt and wanted to lash out and hurt the person who had betrayed them. This is not only unwise, but a sin. In Proverbs we are admonished with these words, “Do not say, “I’ll pay you back for this wrong!” Wait for the LORD, and he will avenge you.” (20:22 NIV)
In the case of Betty Broderick and Marianne Gingrich, the words of the Bible truly come to life. “Jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.” (Song of Solomon 8:6) Betty killed her ex-husband with a gun; Marianne has tried to kill hers with words. Either way it is a sin and unfortunately it will boomerang on the perpetrators in the end.
We need to leave judgment up to God who sees the intent of the heart. How much better it is to echo the words of Jesus, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
And…lest you think I’m talking about something I know nothing about, let me add that my first husband of sixteen years, left me for another woman. By God’s grace I have been able to walk in forgiveness, leaving him to God’s discretion and discipline.
And in return, my reward for walking in forgiveness has been the love of a wonderful, faithful husband. We will be celebrating our 40th anniversary this year!

Amen, Sister. As soon as I really forgave, I was able to move on...
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