Last week as I picked up one of our grandchildren from school, I noticed a local pastor in front the vehicle in front of me. Just the day before I had sent him a congratulatory text; regarding a comment he had put on Facebook about losing 55 lbs. No small feat, as we all well know.
Since I had a minute or two before little Graycen came bounding down the schoolhouse steps, I got out of my car and went to congratulate him in person. Wow! What a difference 55 lbs. makes in a person’s appearance. You go Pastor Carnes!
Both our daughter and granddaughter have been going to Weight Watchers since last May and between the two of them they’ve lost enough weight to equal a whole adult person.

I wonder how many people have made losing weight their 2012 New Year’s resolution. The local gyms and wellness center have probably noticed an influx of new members. No doubt Jenny Craig and other diet gurus are besieged with orders for diet food and cookbooks; all claiming their way is the best way.
It was no surprise when I did a little research to find that weight loss is one of the top ten resolutions on just about every list you can find on the web. Also, it is no surprise to find that it is the ‘top’ resolution broken every year. So glad the pastor and our family members have made their decision to lose weight as a lifestyle, not as just another resolution to be broken.
Following is a sample of the typical top ten resolutions: drink less alcohol, eat healthy food, get a better education, get a better job, get fit, lose weight, manage debt, get organized, quit smoking, take a trip.
The top two resolutions most commonly broken are: lose weight and quit smoking, followed by getting out of debt and eating healthier.
Is it wrong to make resolutions? I don’t think so. Paul the Apostle made a great resolution recorded in Philippians 3. “ I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.” (Message Trans.)
A resolution is actually a decision. That’s what Paul declared in the preceding scripture. “I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” In the case of those I’ve just mentioned who have lost weight; it has been their determined decision to do so.
One organization on the web that encourages making a determined decision states, “Research shows that it takes 21 days to break a habit or form a new one. Have you struggled to change something that you desperately want to change? Experts say that your best chance for success is to start a mission and find people to keep you accountable.”
They go on to ask you to sign up on their web page and find encouragement online to make positive changes in your life. Not a bad idea. For those interested go to
I’ve talked with folks who don’t want to make any resolutions or decisions for fear they will break them. Somehow those folks just never change anything in their lives and are stuck in a rut.
Old folks like Charlie and me find it hard to make changes but we’ve found when we make positive decisions to go forward in our lives it’s always a good thing. One of the best decisions we ever made was to pray together as a couple. We’ve seen God do so many wonderful things as we’ve joined together in prayer.
Our two Weight Watcher champions dropped by the other night and joined us for dinner. Do you think I could even tempt them with a freshly baked cake? No way. They were determined. Sandy ate a few natural snacks she found in my cupboard and Mallory decided to relax in front of the fire. Since confession is good for the soul I can tell you that Charlie and I ate some cake and even topped it off with some chocolate ice cream.
Sandy and Mallory are doing several things to help them with their determined decision, their resolution if you will. They are planning a trip with the Bleckley County Seniors to Europe this summer and they spur each other on with words of affirmation and encouragement
With determined decision, a realistic goal and a friend or spouse to offer encouragement, resolutions can be achieved. Who knows; maybe Charlie and I might even make some new resolutions this year? How about you?
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