We Cry Abba, Father

"For ye have not received the spirit of bondage
again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of
adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." Romans 8:15
Our girls were so excited. They, meaning Dotty and Virginia, were in their first year of college when Coca-Cola granted a large sum of money to help gifted, but financially disadvantaged high school students.
The college would select three mentors to work with twelve ninth graders from our local high school. If our girls were chosen to assist in this program, they would be tutoring as well as taking these kids to various functions and places to help them culturally.
The news finally came. Our two girls were accepted, and the fun was about to begin! Of course there was one catch! They would need my credit card. They would be taking these kids out to fancy restaurants, attending self-help seminars, and even such cultural excursions as a trip to Six Flags in Atlanta! Would I mind? Who me? They assured me I would be reimbursed for expenditures on my credit card.
Do you have any idea how much the tab for twelve kids, three mentors and one chaperone at the Green Jacket restaurant comes to? Believe me I was nervous learning that these kids were eating escargot charged to my American Express card. But somehow I always got my money and in the process got to know quite a few special kids in the group.

While involved in mentoring these kids, our girls decided to begin a Bible study for young people. They started it on Saturday nights in our home and before long the girls had all their students they got paid an hourly wage while the kids heard the word of God. I told the girls it reminded me of Moses’ mother, who got paid for nursing her own child!
For some of these kids it was a first. Going to a fancy restaurant was one thing, but hearing about Jesus Christ from the Bible was another. In this group of twelve, there was one student who really grabbed our hearts. He was a young black youth with a very shy demeanor. When the other kids quit coming for one reason or another, we noticed that Larry would make it a point to call the girls for a ride to our house. He was hungry to learn about the things of the Lord.
We began to learn that, not only was Larry bright, but also very talented. He brought his drawing pad to our house, and we were amazed by his artistic ability. As we continued observing Larry from week to week, the girls began to realize he was probably involved in a homosexual lifestyle. We didn't want to probe, but Larry was high on our prayer list.
One night we had a guest speaker in our home who had been delivered from homosexuality. His testimony really affected Larry, and it wasn't long before he stayed after Bible study one night and gave his heart to the Lord. Several months passed, and Larry got baptized and joined our church. We were so proud of him. But Satan doesn't give up easily, and the old crowd continued trying to lure Larry back into the old lifestyle.
Several years passed and Larry had his ups and downs. Our family tried to understand the pull of this type of life, but it was hard. We just knew that we loved Larry, and we were trusting God to give him victory in his life.
What causes a young person to get involved in a deviant lifestyle? Are they born that way? Is it their environment? And more importantly, how do we as Christians come across to those so involved? What is our attitude toward them? Do we just look the other way and pretend this is not a problem we should have to deal with? What is our responsibility to our neighbor? What was our responsibility to Larry?
For Larry, rejection and sexual abuse had both played a large part in his slide into homosexuality. A product of a brutal rape, Larry was keenly aware of rejection from his earliest recollections. His mother was only fourteen years old when Larry was conceived. He never knew his real father.
At the age of thirteen, a cousin raped him. Somehow this cousin convinced Larry that he loved him. At that point in his life, there was no guilt for Larry. He just felt loved, and love was something he desperately needed.
Then he was chosen to be in the Coca-Cola program and with the entrance of God's word into his heart, the guilt he had suppressed began to surface. "When I came to the Bible study, I began to realize my lifestyle was all wrong," said Larry. "Up until then, I thought it was okay, but somehow, just listening to the Bible made me see things differently."
God's word has a way of changing our lives. Larry would never be the same. Even though he had gotten saved, he slipped into temptation, but the Spirit of God was still at work in his heart. He who had begun a good work in Larry would yet complete it.
In his senior year of high school Larry made a quality decision; one that would affect his life forever. He decided to join the Navy upon graduation, and he wanted a fresh start. Still feeling weak spiritually, he picked up the phone and called us.
Larry told me he had changed his phone number, was not associating with anyone, and staying in his apartment day after day. He was afraid he would slip back into the old lifestyle and knew he needed help. In six months he would be leaving for boot camp, and he didn't know if he would be able to make it as a Christian.

At the time I was preparing for an upcoming trip to Israel. Using my trip as an example, I told Larry he had to train spiritually for what lay ahead of him just as I was in training physically. He took my advice and ran with it.
We picked him up for church Sunday morning, Sunday and Wednesday nights and also for personal Bible study at our house every Tuesday evening. We could see him growing spiritually. It was exciting. One night on the way home from church he said, "You know what, Miss Jerri? I'm going to pass you up!"
Laughing, I replied, "I believe you are, Larry. I believe you are!"
The night before his recruiter came to get him, Larry and I sat in my car for one last prayer together. As I committed him to the Lord that night, tears stung my eyes. "Miss Jerri," he said with quiet resolve. "I'm strong enough now. I'm going to make it." And he has.
At boot camp Larry started off with personal Bible study and prayer each day. It wasn't long before the word was out. Larry was one of those Christians! Soon he had several trainees who met with him each night for devotions. He joined a choir at the base chapel. Seeing the choir was lacking in spiritual devotion and zeal, he suggested they have prayer requests and testimonies. The idea caught on, and it wasn't long before the whole atmosphere of the choir became super-charged with spiritual life.
After graduation from boot camp Larry started school to become a Hospital Corpsman. He was fifth in his class and got to pick his first assignment. Corpus Christi, Texas. His long range plan is to enter the medical field as a trained professional.
During his first Christmas break, Larry accompanied me to a nearby men's prison where he shared his testimony with 150 inmates. He was able to tell them that there are no mistakes in God's creation. God, in His sovereignty had ordained for Larry to come into this world so he could make a difference. He was able to tell them they did not have to stay bound in homosexuality, that you are not "born" that way, and that Jesus Christ can deliver and promote you. He told them that although he had suffered rejection, he knew now that he was accepted!
In his closing remarks to the inmates, Larry declared with confidence, "You know, I've never known my real father, but now I know THE Father!" The inmates rose to their feet and gave him a standing ovation. His blonde mother sat on the back row and I can tell you the tears were streaming down my face. I was so proud of “my son.”

This chapter is far from over. Today, down in Texas, there is a young Navy hospital corpsman making a difference wherever he goes. You'll know him by the big smile on his face. He's a somebody today; a somebody who is no longer under bondage; a somebody who has been adopted into the family of God; a somebody who knows who his father is and can call Him Daddy!
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord,
There are so many Larry’s in the world, kids who have been sexually abused and mistreated. When I see the young people hanging out on the streets, help me see the hurt in their hearts, Lord. Help me remember that you, and you alone, can make a difference in their lives.
In Jesus name,
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