Some want to live within sight and sound
of chapel bell...............
I want to run a rescue shop
within a yard of hell.
C. T. Studd

I sat in rapt attention as Jason Peebles, a Bible teacher and missionary, shared his adventures at a Full Gospel Businessmen's meeting. He had recently gone to Venezuela, trusting God every step of the way. He had preached the gospel up and down the mountainsides of the "red light district". It was so named because of the blood that had been shed there by thieves, bandits, and murderers.
My spirit was so stirred within me! As I looked intently at Jason, the Holy Spirit nudged me. "You want to be like Jason, don't you?" He asked.
"Yes, Lord," I answered silently, "I'm willing to go."
"But I haven't called you to South America," He said. "I've called you to Cochran."
I didn't want to hear that at all. Our town had five traffic lights, and we were virtually rushing into the ‘50s and this was the ‘80s! Our population ran around 10,000 in the entire county. What could I possibly do worthwhile for the Lord in Cochran?
Frustrated with God, I sank back into my seat, while Jason continued to tell story after story of God's provisions and miracles. "What I wouldn't give," I thought. The dangers and hardships that Jason had experienced didn't deter me at all. "I could do it!" I thought. "If only God would let me go....if only He would call me to a faraway country."
Then gently, so gently, the Lord spoke again. "If you will just let me, I'll turn your real estate office into a soul saving station."
"What? Did I hear you right God?"
No one could have preached the sermon louder than the Holy Spirit did to me that night. God was speaking directly to me and I was getting the message loud and clear. All I had to do was just be me, go about my business of selling real estate, and God would do the rest! It was so simple. Neat! A soul-saving station. "Okay God, let's go for it!"
When we turn the reins of our life over to the Lord, it's amazing the direction we'll find ourselves going. Instead of just looking at our vocations as a way to make money, we can look at them as tools to spread the gospel.
I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Latin American people. In fact, right after my husband proposed, I left for two weeks on a missionary stint to Mexico. (He should have figured right off the bat that this new wife of his was going to have the world on her mind.)
One evening, not too long after God had spoken to me about my new office status, I was driving by our local Chamber of Commerce. I saw a young couple with three little children. They were obviously just out for a stroll. I was near enough to see that they were probably not local folks, so I pulled up close to them, jumped out of the car, and introduced myself.
It turned out they were from Bolivia. Alex, the head of the little family, was attending our two year college. Their English, although somewhat broken, was good. The three children, being quite young, spoke only Spanish. I loved them all immediately.

I found out where they lived and a few days later I took over a jar of hot peppers. (I told you I would be using weird bait!) They seemed overwhelmed that I would take the time to do this, but it wasn't long before they discovered that this crazy, blonde American really did care about them.
When I mentioned church to them, they were quick to tell me that they were Catholic, just in case I had any ideas about converting them. "Great," I responded. "I'm Catholic too."
"You are?" they asked.
"Sure." I just 'happened' to omit the fact that I wasn't Roman Catholic. "I believe that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary and that God is a Trinity....... Father, Son and Holy Spirit." I could see them relaxing, letting down their guard.
"You know Alex," I said, looking around at the dumpy little house they were renting, "I think I can help you and Daisy buy a house."
"Really, Jerri?" he said incredulously. "Buy a house here in the states?"
"Sure," I said confidently. "The Lord will show me how to help you."
Thus began my odyssey with Alex and Daisy Vasquez. Their house really was a dump. The moisture was so bad that all of their clothes smelled dank and musty. Their shoes were covered with green mold, and the house felt damp all the time. I had to find them a house. It was an unhealthy situation.
In the meantime they became regular guests for dinner. We helped them with their children, were on call at night to answer their questions and even got them to visit the little Methodist church we were attending. "Jerri, why is your church so plain?" asked Alex. "Why no statues?"
"That's just how it is," I replied, not wanting to sound pious or religious. "We're just plain country folk here in Cochran." Silently I prayed, "Oh, Lord please let them see You in our church. Show them you are more real than any statue."
As time went on, I could see the Holy Spirit melting their hearts. One evening, after finishing dinner, we all went into the living room. Looking intently at us, Alex took a deep breath and said, "You know Charlie and Jerri, we have never heard about Jesus in such a way before. We want to become Christians like you." I know there must have been great rejoicing in heaven as the angels looked down that night and saw the Tuck family and the Vasquez family joining hands in a circle and praying together.
It wasn't long before I was able to help them get a loan for an adorable three bedroom house. Daisy was elated! She had never had so much fun in her life. The kids ran from room to room squealing with delight. Friends from the church came, and we all joined in dedicating their home to the Lord.
During the next two years we watched Alex and Daisy grow in the Lord. Their kids learned to speak English, and our kids picked up a little Spanish. Our youngest daughter Dotty, who was only ten years old, seemed to have a special love for these precious Bolivians. That love was a two-way street between Dotty and this new found family. We had no idea what God was up to in their growing relationship.
I was later to sell the house for the Vasquez's and they went on to Gainesville, Florida, where Alex finished up his business degree. Eventually they returned to Bolivia where Alex joined his father in the family business. During the next twelve years we rarely heard from them. Alex managed to visit us twice, but other than that we didn't keep in real close contact. We knew they still loved the Lord and in that we rejoiced.
Twelve years later Dotty was living in Joliet, Illinois. Completing her degree in nursing, she attended one of her last classes.

A local doctor had come as a guest to make an appeal for "just one more nurse" to join a short term medical mission team to Bolivia. She volunteered, and you guessed it! Alex and Daisy, with their entire family, including aunts, uncles and cousins, surprised Dotty by meeting her at the airport!
After two weeks on treacherous mountain trails and treating over 1,000 people, Dotty remained for a week as an honored guest at the Vasquez home. They lived in a mansion, overlooking a plush golf course. Their servants waited on Dotty hand and foot. They squeezed fresh orange juice for her every day. They took her sight-seeing and on a shopping spree. It just so happened that in La Paz, Alex's family held a one-third interest in a major soft drink bottling company!
Isn't God incredible? Let's see....where did I put those peppers?
Prayer for Today
Dear Lord,
When I start thinking that I could do more wonderful and glorious things for you if…only, if only I had more talent, if only I was in a better situation…if only I was a missionary in a far off land…if only…. Help me remember that you placed me right where I am Lord…that the talents I have are what you have equipped me with…that this is the situation you have placed me in…today. Lord, I want to be faithful to you today…right where you’ve placed me. Keep my eyes from wandering, Lord.
In Jesus name,
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