My good friend Steve Rodgers wrote an interesting article from God's viewpoint...I think you will find this thought provoking!
What About My Rights?

By: GOD, Creator of the Universe
I see today where another group of atheists have achieved their continued goal of erasing My name and existence from the United States of America, the land that was founded and blessed because of its fundamental belief in Me and the first men that came here asked My blessings be upon the land.

Now, over 200 years later, a few misguided, angry individuals have taken control and pressed their “will” and “beliefs” over the millions that are supposed to be My followers and just about removed Me from a country that would not have enjoyed liberty, freedom, and prosperity if it had not been given to them by Me. Where are My people, called by My name, now that I need them to stand and give Me honor and praise for My blessings? And why are they allowing the actions of a few to dictate the wills of the many?
First, it was the school system.

Check your history, I am mentioned by name in the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence. My commandments are located outside the Supreme Court,

My name is on your money, and My spirit overshadows the land from the east coast to the west coast. Today, it is My name that is mentioned more with the word “damn” than anyone else, and more money, time, and effort is spent trying to erase My existence from America than is spent of finding cures for most diseases. America has gone from a nation blessed by God, to a land that is apathetic to morals and values, overflowing with immorality, and flooded with demonic activity.
Today, atheist groups are buying billboards to declare me “Dead” or “fiction like Santa Claus”. They want Me off the money, off the logos, off the lips of My followers, out of sight, out of mind and where are the churches, the religious organizations, and those I have blessed over the years to speak up and speak out for My name. Will not one of you go into battle as David did against Goliath and say “Thus saith the Lord” and fight for Me or do I have to come down and do it Myself?

This message goes to those who want Me gone first. You can take Me out of everything you see or own, remove My name from anything and everything it has been placed on for years, but you can’t remove Me or My Spirit from existing in the hearts and minds of My true followers. You may not believe in Me now because you don’t want to be accountable for your actions, but one day you will stand before
Me and see that I am real and then you can explain your actions right before I pass judgment on you.

Yes, I will have the final word in all of this.
For those of you that say you believe in Me and sit silently and do nothing to stop the madness and correct the injustice that is happening at My expense; you also will have to give an account for your non actions one day. While others are seeking to bury Me and take Me out of everything I have given you; you sit at home with your heads in the sand instead of bonding together to take back what I had given you from the start.

If I go, so go My blessings. Then you can have your country based on the same values, principles, and morals as Sodom and Gomorrah had many years ago. Check your history to see how that worked out for them.

I am GOD, I will not be mocked, and I will have the final say. And if you don’t want to believe in Me; that is your choice. If you believe and don’t want to stand up for Me; that is also your choice. But what happens in the end, how it happens, and to the extent of its happening; well that is My choice. And those that live in a land that I gave them, exist due to my blessings, and enjoy the freedoms that I have freely given them continually persist on taking me out of their lives, thoughts, and culture; then I will exercise my rights when I come back and we will see who is GOD and who is not.
Steve Rogers is an idiot. God is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. I defy him or Jerri Tuck to prove that the Constitution even mentions God. If Jerri Tuck or Steve Rogers wants an open public debate with a lifelong atheist, just contact Patrick Greene at
greenep7@gmail.com and we can discuss the details. I am sure that you would not pass up the chance to publicly put an atheist in their place.
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