About a week ago the LORD gave me a fresh vision about the Bible Reading Marathons. Hold on! I believe He wants one in every county in Georgia! For those of you on my FB that might not know...Georgia has 159 counties. When I printed out a county map I just laid it in my lap and said, "LORD, this looks like a mighty big job." I can't begin to tell you the quiet assurance that flooded over my soul.
Things started picking up with speed when I was asked to speak at a Mother-Daughter Tea in Eatonton. (Putnam Co.) Through a bizarre set of circumstances I was asked to speak in a Lutheran church, where not ONE SINGLE PERSON had any idea who I was.

I met with one event organizers in Milledgeville, GA (this past Friday) so she could 'look me over'. Ha! This lady was from Greene Co., GA. just next to Putnam. Hmmm....I think God has a plan here, especially since Charlie and I had driven through Eatonton just a few weeks ago and I had remarked to him (as we passed the courthouse) that we really needed a BRM in Eatonton. (I will be speaking in Eatonton on May 14)
Earlier on Friday I had received an email from a dear friend, Ruth Larson, informing me that a pastor in Bainbridge, GA (Decatur Co. which is at the far SW corner of GA) wanted to learn about having a BRM in his county. . . then the meeting in Milledgeville with the sweet Lutheran lady...and on back to Cochran.

We had a meeting scheduled at our church. Frankly, I was too tired to go and asked Charlie to drop me off at the house. Before we got back to Cochran I felt energized and decided to go to the meeting.....good thing I did. I sat right behind a visitor, whom I learned after the service was from BAINBRIDGE, GA. This young lady had traveled three hours to visit our church for this meeting. Coincidence or God? You decide that one.

Yesterday I needed to discuss a matter with our State Rep. Jimmy Pruett and in the conversation I asked him to arrange a meeting with our new governor, Nathan Deal, so I could share with him my vision of having a statewide (every county) Bible Reading Marathon.

Confirmation came early this morning (Sunday 4/17/11) as I was reading Ps. 119 (this past week I had decided to read it every day from a different translation until our marathon began on April 29 in Cochran, GA) In the Living Bible Translation I read these words: "May I never forget your words, for they are my only hope. Therefore I will keep on obeying you forever and forever, free within the limits of your laws. I WILL SPEAK TO KINGS ABOUT THEIR VALUE, AND THEY WILL LISTEN WITH INTEREST AND RESPECT." Ps. 119: 43-46.
As Charlie and I went to church this morning, it was with happy hearts. We had an awesome power team called, MEGA FORCE, ministering today. Almost the first thing one of the Mega Force guys (Riley) told me, was that his mother was coming to the meeting tonight and wanted to talk to me about a Bible Reading Marathon for Sumter County. (Former Pres. Jimmy Carter’s stomping ground)

Needless to say, Charlie and I feel like we are on an amazing adventure with the Bible Reading Marathons in Georgia. Following the LORD has always been an adventure for us, but now in the sunset years of our lives, we are discovering the truth of HIS WORD in even more ways....they shall bring forth fruit in old age....they shall be flourishing!
If you want to join us on this latest adventure you can! Through prayer we can do this TOGETHER!