Several years ago Charlie and I were driving to town when Charlie noticed a small yard sign which read, “Adopt or become a foster parent.” He was quick to tell me that it would NEVER happen in his lifetime.
The very next day we got a call from a local pastor. He wanted to drop by to talk to us about something. The pastor wasn’t from our church and we couldn’t imagine what was so important that he had to talk to us in person.
David Holton was the pastor at New Life Church of God at this time. One of his members was in need of someone to take care of her grandson. Seems like there had been a tragic accident and the grandmother couldn’t take care of the three grandchildren anymore and so the church was trying to help by finding homes for them. We were on their short list!
Alan, one of the grandchildren, was only 15 years old at the time of this incident. We had known him for about three years; we all attended the Jeffersonville Church of God together, before the grandmother decided to move her membership to the Cochran church.
As David, along with one of his elders, sat with Charlie and me discussing the family situation, I remembered Charlie’s adamant declaration just 24 hours previous. His exact words were, “Not in this lifetime!” Now we were faced with a life-changing decision; a decision that would change our lives and Alan’s forever.
Everything about our situation screamed, “NO!” We were definitely too old. Charlie was 72 and I wasn’t far behind him. We had left those troublesome teenage years far behind us and we were coasting in the clear. Were we nuts, or what?
“We’ll take him,” Charlie said simply.
When David and his elder left our house I looked at Charlie with a big grin. “I’m proud of you honey.” Charlie told me he couldn’t refuse because God reminded him about something from his past. His mother had been left destitute with three children. Charlie’s grandfather had taken them all into his home and never gave it a second thought. “I could do no less,” said Charlie.
For the next few years our home was definitely changed, not only physically but in every other way possible. When we agreed to take Alan, we got two for the price of one. His girlfriend Brittany was part of the deal. She loved Alan and spent as much time at our house as her mother would allow. She ate with us, watched TV with us and went to church with us.
Initially Alan had some anger issues. They were soon resolved by several time tested methods. Work: Charlie made him clean out the chicken house, feed the animals and haul topsoil. I added to that my rendition of housework, gardening and errand running.
Then there was the Bible workout. For anger: copy every verse in Proverbs about anger. For life in general there was memorizing a scripture for every letter of the alphabet. How about this one: “F” for FLEE YOUTHFUL LUSTS -
When it came to dating, Charlie was super strict. One time he told him to be IN the house by 11 PM. They got home at 10:30 but he didn’t come in the house until 11:10 PM. Oops! Sorry Alan, thirty days restriction on that one. No cell phone, no Internet, no telephone, no dating. You’re grounded buddy.
Well, I guess it all paid off. He’s one great son and Brittany is one terrific daughter-in-law. They are now married with a beautiful baby boy named Ayden.

Alan graduated TODAY from the Georgia Police Academy and is now a certified correction officer with the State of Georgia and planning to continue his education, majoring in criminal justice.

I’d like to add one thought when you say NEVER; it only works if your wife is not praying, “Lord, help me be the answer to someone’s prayer today.” Maybe we need to get on the same page here. Ya think?

“Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things that thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
Awesome account !! You two are something else - wonderful Godly people !! Love in Christ, David P.
Love it. Wonderful. Faithful.
hey, this is Sylvia Smith you two are as amazing as always. i love you both and miss you something fierce. we need to all get to gether sometime and catch up. call me sometime 229-315-0273 or 229-868-5168
Ms Jerri you two are so special and awesome. I'll never forget what you did for me in my childhood. I'll love the two of you forever for that. Please keep praying for me I believe your prayers are powerful......
Jerri, I'm in awe right now after reading your blog. I just heard a sermon on TV a few days ago that goes perfectly with Alan's success. God is obviously IN your family's life. You shall know them by their fruit....or something like that. I know I read it somewhere in the Bible. Tears of joy overwhelm my heart right now as I am also hoping for success for some members in my family right now. I know that God will provide a way. I love you, Jerri.
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