My husband Charlie has several reading passions; two of them being Civil War history and World War II history. He was delighted when I went to a local consignment shop and obtained an entire set of World War II encyclopedia’s in mint condition for only twenty dollars.
The 24 volume set is prominently displayed in our living room bookcase. He enjoys perusing the black and white photos and information contained in each volume. I guess his penchant for this period in history goes back to his remembrance of that time period.
Always one to enjoy reading, Charlie told me he was reading Hans Brinker or the Silver Skates when the announcement came over the airwaves that Pearl Harbor had been bombed. Much like, “Where were you on 9-11?” the World War II generation has the date of the Pearl Harbor bombing etched in their memories.

One of my personal favorite accounts of this time period is that of Louis Zamperini. I first heard Zamperini speaking at a Billy Graham crusade back in the 50’s. Zamperini is a fascinating individual and today at age 94 is still going strong!

Laura Hillenbrand, the #1 NYT bestselling author of Seabiscuit, has written a book about Zamperini entitled UNBROKEN. (If you haven’t read it, I heartily recommend this book for your library.) I wasn’t able to put this book down. Her literary style, coupled with her knowledge of the facts of Zamperini’s life, as well as her close friendship with him, makes for a great read.
What intrigued me most about Zamperini’s story was the account of his amazing survival for 47 days on a raft in the Pacific Ocean. Zamperini, a former Olympic runner, had the stamina and the determination to beat the odds against him as he and several others were shot down in their B-24 while on a rescue mission.

Zamperini’s plane, the Green Hornet, crashed in the ocean on May 27, 1943. Eight of the eleven aboard were killed. The raft the survivors were on had no supplies. They actually survived by eating small fish and by catching rain water. One of the men died on the 40th day.

While on the raft Zamperini made a bargain with God. (I’ve always heard there are no atheists in a foxhole!). Unfortunately, many who make deals with God have short memories and all bets are off when they survive and are back in the land of the living. Not so with Zamperini.
The raft drifted into enemy water. Zamperini and his companions had no idea where they were. It was only when the Japanese Navy captured them on the 47th day of their ordeal that they realized capture was infinitely worse than what they had been going through on the raft.
Words can’t describe the torture that Zamperini and his fellow airmen went through. For over two years Zamperini was physically tortured and subjected to psychological abuse. His success as an Olympic athlete seemed to be one of the main reason a sadistic guard, whom the prisoners nicknamed “the Bird”, had singled him out.

After completing the book I couldn’t get the poignant fact about the drifting of Zamperini’s raft. I remembered a scripture in the Bible that says, “We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” (Hebrews 2:1)
This verse does not say anything about being careful not to sin, watch your language, don’t wear revealing clothes, don’t drink, smoke or steal…no, it says we need to be careful that we don’t ‘drift away’.
Drifting doesn’t take any thought or effort. Just relax…drift. How many today are getting farther and farther away from God by drifting? They’re not doing anything particularly wicked and sinful…they’re just doing nothing but drifting.
We are instructed to pay careful attention to what we have heard. This word of caution by the writer of Hebrews is designed to prod us, to keep us from disaster.
Zamperini drifted into the enemy camp, where deprivation and torture awaited him. Just as he was singled out by Mutshurio Watanabe, aka ‘the Bird’, we too will be singled out by the enemy of our soul if we drift away from God! Make it your goal today to stay close to the Lord!

You've inspired me enough with this story to look for the book to purchase. It is true, so many folks just drift into lifes path, with no rudder or way to steer. Thankfully we have the Holy Spirit and lessons from Jesus to steer us! May none of us drift along!
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